Sunday, May 31, 2009

They Haven't Said, "I want to go home," yet!

So my big boys don't miss me a bit. LOB and I talk everyday but DJB just can't work up enough courage to talk to me on the phone! LOB says he misses me but Grammy said he hasn't said h.o.m.e yet. Um Grammy...FYI, LOB can spell. Just letting you know.

The Papa Bear and I had a great, quiet, peaceful weekend. DVB cooperated for most of our plans. We spent some time today researching concrete countertops at our local home improvement stores. Now we just need to gather all the supplies and try out a couple samples to find the perfect color and texture combination. I probably should back up in my story. Our travertine countertop is falling apart because the previous owner cemented the travertine down to the existing formica countertop! Thanks buddy, what a half assed job! I guess I really didn't like it anyway so maybe I really should thank him! Hopefully in a couple weeks I'll have some pictures of some progress in the project!

Here are some pictures of the continuous fun LOB and DJB are wonder they don't miss me!

This picture depicts a classic DJB invention! Why doesn't everyone pull their lawn mower behind their bike?

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