Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mish Mash Mosh!

There's nothing too exciting going on around our house so I thought I'd do a catch up post and show you a few fun pictures from the last few weeks...

Here's LOB, some buddies, and the greatest teacher ever!

"Mom, this is so embarrassing!" LOB had a little Mother's Day play at school. He even had a speaking part!

"Quit taking pictures of me!"

DVB learned a new trick. He's blowing you a kiss!

DVB must have thought Toni needed a little snack...He went and got the dog treat container and sat down. Toni politely obliged. Big shock!

Here's Toni hanging out with her new boyfriend, Buster. Check out his tongue! DVB loved tugging on it-that licker is long! Buster was a little on the timid side but Toni showed him how to be naughty and wild. She even got him to swim in her pool.

Grandpa sure is brave! LOB had fun!
Pictures from the end of the years parties are coming up next!

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