Wednesday, May 27, 2009

They are Having Fun!

Here are a few pictures of the fun the boys are having at the cabin. I left them a bag full of craft projects to do in case they got bored over the next few weeks. It looks like they already did most of them all in one day!

They made some aliens out of those little plastic circles that melt together with an iron...whatever they are called.

They practiced their shootin' skills...I didn't have anything to do with those supplies!

They painted bird houses. It looks like DJB has been lizard hunting again. See the lizard on the Tony Stewart bird house? The one he caught over the weekend was HUGE and very colorful. I wish I would have had my camera to take a pic of it! One of his many nicknames is "Lizard Boy!"

They planted flowers. They love to look at flowers at Home Depot or Lowes. And of course they love digging in dirt. Mix both those things together and you have a pretty flower bed!

DVB has been enjoying getting all the parental attention without having to compete for it! He was actually pleasant and fun last night instead of whinny and fussy. He's got a goofy personality that's very different than the other boys. He was entertaining us that's for sure! I told GOB that he is going to be the fat-jock-class clown-girl charmer one! Wouldn't it be funny if we read this 15 years from now and I'm right?!

And in case you are wondering, LOB is going to be the "normal" child. He's not going to be in the accelerated classes at school-just average. He will play sports but it won't be his forte. He's going to be the "pleaser" and make his parents proud that he's the "good kid", kinda like I was! hee hee

As for DJB, he's going to be the one that we get calls from the Principals office because he made some concoction in Chemistry class and started the classroom on fire or something to that effect. He's also going to be the brainiac. Despite his shy nature, DJB is going to be a "problem child" I believe.

So there you have it! You didn't know I could see into the future did you? Ha! My post about fun at the cabin turned into a whole 'nother post about fortune telling! It's just kind of fun to stop and think about these boys and realize how very different they are. I'll have to do some research and see which one of these boys is most like GOB. I'm thinking DJB is the answer but I'll let you know when I figure it out for sure!

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