Sunday, May 17, 2009

Swingin' In The Rain!

Is this a redneck concoction or what? They tied the rope in our lonely tree and put Toni's plastic baby swim pool under it. We got a little unexpected rain shower this afternoon and they thought it was the coolest thing evah to play in the rain and listen to thunder and swing in their tree like monkeys! It's the simple things that they go wild over! Poor DVB missed out, he was snoozing!

Notice the graffiti still on the wall? GOB came back from Home Depot today with some graffiti remover spray. But now since it's raining, he can't try it out! Excuses, excuses!

I worked my first weekend solo at the hospital. 5 hours on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. I think I'll be able to handle this job every other weekend!

There's only 2.5 days left of school until we have a Kindergartner and a second grader. The kids are excited for summer break. We're thinking about going to California for a couple days at some point this summer so they are constantly asking when we're going.

Did anyone notice my hit counter? I've gotten over 2000 hits since I started in January! Thanks for reading!

That's it for the happenings at our house for now...

1 comment:

donatelli98 said...

How's DVB feeling? Better I hope! We will have to figure out a time to have you over for a pool party!