Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summerfest Part 2 is Coming to a Close...

Summerfest Part 2 is quickly coming to a close. So so sad! I only have 2 more days of semi quiet time left! DVB, you better enjoy these last 2 days because the competition is returning soon!
The following are some of the latest pictures from LOB and DJB's 7 week vacation with Grammy and Grandpa. I can't believe they made it 7 weeks with only a 1 week break in between! Mom says our honeymoon is over. Now Grammy and Grandpa can get back to their every-day-honeymoon!
Apparently, LOB is now a professional archer too. Remember the beer can shoot out with the bb gun?
Wow! LOB, you have learned some pretty cool things this summer!
I'm not quite sure who this child is hiding under there. If I had to guess, I'd say it's DJB...
This looks like an invention of some sort. Maybe a rock catapult???

Here's Bug Boy DJB and a walking stick. What would a boy be without his love for bugs? Yuck!

Child labor. I bet they were a big help when it came to painting the shed! I know better!

LOB taking a little siesta. It's a rough life hanging out with your Grammy and Grandpa! I guess the hammock was found when cleaning out the storage shed.

Feather collectors. Just before Summerfest Part 2, DJB just knew he was going to come across some more feathers. He was worried about what he was going to store them in. Also, he's sure he's going to find more feathers at The Grand Canyon. He has no clue what the Grand Canyon is but he's going to search for feathers!

Remember Mr. Bear, the garbage scrounger? He must have been desperate for food! He bent the Shepard's hook to get to the birdseed!

LOB playing in the rain! These AZ kids think it's SO cool to be able to play in the rain. You know, it's not often that we get it! We have gotten a quite a bit of rain (maybe 1.5 inch but that's a lot for us) the last 2 days~we LOVE it! It looks like there's more in our forcast all week! Yahooooo!
We'll be back to normal around here in about 3 days. Then, I probably won't have much blog material! humpf!
Little Brother, are you happy now that I finally wrote a blog post? Sheesh! I'm busy dude-lay off!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I can't wait until this honeymoon starts again.