Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Leashes: They Aren't Just for Dogs!

As we were discussing the dangers of small children visiting the Grand Canyon the other day, my dad said he saw a little boy up there with a monkey backpack/leash on. Then my mom said she thought DVB would be a good candidate for one of those.


Why didn't I think of that? We always struggle with keeping him near us in a restaurant or at store when he's not in his stroller. I can think of many occasions we could have really used it! We never needed one with LOB or DJB. They usually always cooperated when we were out and about. But we all know DJB is a totally different animal. An animal who needs a leash!

So off to Tarjay we go...and lo and behold, they had a puppy one! One of the words DVB says constantly is "puppy." It was only $11.99! I almost got 2, but I thought we better make sure he doesn't mind a puppy on his back! Ha!

Ha! I love it! He can't get more than 4 ft away!

"Puppy puppy puppy!"

"C'mon DVB, let's go for a walk!"

I think he likes his leash! So I guess we'll pick up another one next time we're at Tarjay and keep it in GOB's truck! The actual leash part looks like the puppy's tail...too cute!

The girls at work warned me that people might look at us funny or give us dirty looks for having our kid on a leash. They all said they've used them on their kids and totally agreed that the people who flash the dirty looks don't know what it's like to have a wild child!

So if you see me on the street you better flash me a smile and tell me I'm a smart mom for keeping my wild child under control! Ha!


Anonymous said...

I'm a big believer in mommy intuition and doing what works. Tell the Biaaaaaatches that shoot dirty looks because they have, or will have someday, perfect little drone children to mind their own business! ;-) It does look cute though and he seems to like it in the pictures.

Grammy said...

I love it. This invention could have saved many hours of frustration. But if it works, why not. The other yah-hoos don't have to worry about it.