Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Finally, 4th of July

Finally, I have some pictures to show you from the 4th of July weekend. It was a fun filled one of course. I'm going to narrate these photos in reverse of when they happened because I loaded them in backwards!

So in most recent news:

There was a BEAR spotted at the cabin! A black bear! I have conflicting reports of who, when, and where he was spotted. One reporter said he heard some rustling of the garbage can outside his window right after he went to bed and then went to investigate. Another reporter said he spotted the bear as he was walking back from the fire pit and he walked right by him and ran into the house. I'm really not sure who to believe. You can decide for yourself. Either way, no little boys should be roaming around at dark alone anymore or they might get eaten by a bear! A big black bear!

Here is some of the mess Mr. Bear made...I want to know if he unwound the garden hose too? He was probably thirsty after eating leftover spaghetti bake, taco casserole, night crawlers, and corn cobs!

Here is some evidence he left behind after his feast. Mmmm seeds and berries!

Here's another visitor. I forgot to inquire on it's species at the time of posting. Can't say I've ever seen a snake at the cabin either. What's the next critter to cross the property? A moose? An antelope? A big horn sheep?

DJB will find the darnedest things to play with. These are leftovers from the shed building project (pillar forms).

The only safe place to eat lunch is in the dog kennel unless of course you'd like to share your lunch with the dog!

Have you ever seen the movie Open Season? If you haven't seen it, this won't be funny to you. But we've seen it at least a million times and we think LOB looks like Elliott, the one horned deer!

You should have seen the dirt that was left behind in the tub after this washing! Those boys sure can get dirty in one day!

Here's another cleaning opportunity. This one is especially good for cleaning out fingernails and toenails! But instead of soap we use chlorine...

Here's DVB taking a little spin on a scooter.

Next you'll see what GOB and my dad did all weekend in between drinking just a couple beers:

Getting ready to pour concrete in the pillars. See the 2 mini laborers? They weren't very reliable workers in between taking playing breaks, hot tub breaks, lizard catching breaks, and dirt digging breaks. They may have been on break more than lending a helping hand!

I hear the shed now has fascia and shingles and I'm not too sure what else. I got a phone call today asking permission for the boys to help shingle. In retrospect, I could have said "Yes" if they felt like taking a trip to the ER. But I didn't think of that until I had already said it wasn't a good idea.
There's only one more post before Post #100. It's customary to write 100 things about yourself when you reach this landmark in the bloggy world. So I'm working on it now. You know, it's kinda hard to think of 100 things about yourself!

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