Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Houseguest and Stuff

We've been busy as usual around here. We've had our friend/godchild L over for a couple days. The boys have been corrupting her with boy things-like playing video games on the Wii and farting and burping. Last night GOB tried corrupting her with strawberry, chocolate, or caramel milk but she wouldn't even try any of them!

Today DVB had his 18 month check up and I was pretty sure that I'd have to have a drink at 10 am if I tried to take all 4 kids into the dr's office by myself. So GOB so kindly left work (only 2 miles away) and met me at the office and sat in the van with the older 3 kids so I could just concentrate on wrangling the wild man! His check up was great! It was no big surprise to find out that he's still off the charts for height (36 inches), weight (33 lbs) and head circumference. The doctor said he looks like a 3 year old!

After the office visit we went and picked up some Happy Meals and had a picnic at a really cool park. We actually had a semi-tolerant day weather wise since it was only 92 degrees. I'm not sure what the humidity was but it eventually did us in!

This park is the coolest, like I said. It's huge and has so many different things to do. Here they are sitting in a turtle shell...there's also an area where they can dig for dinosaur bones in sand.

This may be DVB's first ride down a slide...In the middle of the part of the park is a gigantic climbing structure that is a farm theme.

He didn't seem to mind it...

Here they are lounging with a gecko or gila monster or something...

This part of the park has cool paths mapped out like streets so the kids drove around on the scooters we brought with us.

We put L to work! I told LOB to feed the dog and she insisted that she wanted to do it! LOB non-hesitantly handed over the scooper!

This was L's first Wii lesson. After she got the hang of it, they played many rounds of Mario Kart.

DJB told her she should wish for a Wii for Christmas!
In other news:
Babysitter #1 is no longer coming over to our house! He had all 3 boys for the first time on Monday and when we came home from work, LOB and DJB were crying. They said they never wanted him to come back. I'll just say that when LOB told me he (the babysitter) slept all day and played on the computer, it was enough to make me make a phone call. There were other things that were mentioned but nothing made me more mad than sleeping! Next week we are going to try out a 15 year old girl who sounds like she might be more "into it." She has her babysitting "license" complete with CPR and such. There's only 4 more Mondays till school starts and then we'll have to find another option for DVB. That shouldn't be too hard, we've got lots of options.
That's all for now...

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