Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do You Want to Know How They Found Me?

I thought so.

I always get a kick out of reading on Google Analytics about how people found my blog. So I am going to humor myself and comment on just a few of the "keywords" that people actually typed in Google and came across me! Ha!

3 boys brewery owner
Yep, that's me! What can I do for you? Well, actually, I'm not the owner of the actual brewery in New Zealand. I'm still waiting for them to contact me for a little advertising banner on my blog page. I really do get quite a few hits looking for them, not me!

3 boys band my wife
Um, no band here...I don't think you'd want me in your band. I'm not very musically inclined. Thanks for checking though.

boys haircuts
Yes, boys do need haircuts. Do you like my kid's haircuts or what?

big butt washing
Well I'm not sure how I can help you. I will say be sure to use plenty of soap when you wash that big butt!

baby and dog butt
Please, don't let your baby touch your dog's butt. It's just not clean, ya know!

biggest boy’s butt
Well none of my boys have a big butt so you better keep on looking somewhere else for the biggest boy's butt!

boys 7th birthday
Were you checking my blog for some birthday ideas? Oh, I'm flattered!

breweries on youtube
Well, I've never actually video taped GOB brewering beer. But if you need a lesson I'm sure I could post something?!?

playing in the rain
Ya, we like to do that around here too. If it's not lightening, that is. I'm pretty sure lightening and playing in the rain is not advisable!

in other pet related
In other pet related....what? Something other than dog butt related or what? I need a little more info...

fresh & easy
Ah, yep, we like it fresh and easy around here!

The following are all the keyword combinations related to washing a dog's butt, I guess! I just can't comment on all of them. You know, I do have other things to do around here besides blogging! You people are weird. I say just let your dog wash his/her own butt for Pete's sake! Nasty! I should say these are just a few, believe it or not!

how to clean a dog’s butt
dog butt clean
dog butts
dog with the biggest butt pictures

cleaning dogs butt
happy butts wash

wash baby butt
why is dog chewing butt

buzzed hair in blog title:boys
How nice of you to remember my blog by my boy's adorable buzz cuts! Thanks!

chicken pops
Yep, DVB had a case of those a couple months back.

cute tweens
Um, none of those around here yet. I've never even typed the word tween, I don't think!

dirty feet sleeping
Oh, you should never sleep with dirty feet! We certainly don't around here! 3 boys never have dirty feet! Nope!

early birthday comments for boys
How about, "Happy Early Birthday!" ? That's pretty simple, huh?

freckle feet
We have a freckly face around here but no freckle feet!

homemade bike tricks
I have seen a bunch of homemade bike tricks around our house. Thankfully none of them have taken us to the ER!

lizard in our house
Lizards are not welcome in our house. I'm sorry there's one in yours. But don't worry, it won't be long before it keels over. Just sniff around, you'll find it! Or better yet, get a cat!

lizards 4 sale
Why didn't I think of that? We could have sold all those lizards the boys have caught over the summer! Darn!

Oh no! Is your dog Marley-like too? I'm sorry! I can definitely empathize with you! What has your dog chewed up?

no more teachers no more books song
Fortunately we'll only be singing that song around here for less than 2 more weeks! Is there a song out there about school starting up again? Oh ya, I'm not musically inclined...

patent brewery
I wouldn't mind having a patent on a brewery some day. I have to win the lottery first!

real babysitter
Yes, thanks for checking. We finally found a real teenage babysitter and a real daycare provider! Whew! That's hard work!

teachers party
Teachers should definitely have parties! If only they could enjoy a few alcoholic beverages at their parties! They sure get the shaft, it's just not fair!

So there you have it! Entertainment at it's finest! Kinda rednecky, huh? I'll wait a few more months before I bore you with all the jabber about dog butts and breweries again! It's funny though, right? I thought so!


donatelli98 said...
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ZonaCatsFamily said...

You are a world wide phenom! Can't wait to see you guys on Sat!