Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pretty Quiet Weekend Around Here...

It's been a pretty quiet is weekend around here this weekend.

Unlike last weekend when this was the scene. Yes, that is our neighbor, S! And yes, she's hiding behind our couch. Why? She was hiding from kids in a game of neighborhood hide and seek, of course! If I can remember correctly, they didn't find her! Ha! We had such a good time just bs-ing that at 3 am we thought we really should call it a night! That doesn't happen very often around here! We're gettin' too old!

GOB is FINALLY making some progress on the countertop project or as I call it "The Project of the Year!" (the kitchen countertop starting falling apart in May-just so you have a reference point) If you personally know GOB, you know that every project whether big or small, electronic related or wood related, takes him a long time to plan. Every detail must be thoroughly planned and supplies accounted for before he can even think to start for another week or 2! I'm not giving him crap, it just takes L.O.N.G.E.R. to do things his way! Hee hee! I know I'm lucky to have such a handy man!

He's made a semi-air conditioned, plastic walled workshop in the garage. He really wanted to do the project inside but.... um ya, I nixed that idea!

Here he is displaying one of the three parts to the upstairs desk countertop. He decided he needed some practice before attacking the kitchen countertops. The existing top up stairs was also black formica. If you look really close you'll see the fancy edge. That was a couple weeks worth of research alone! What would we do without the internet these days? I can't even imagine how many hours he's spent reading and rereading...

This is one of the molds for the third part which is ready for the concrete.

I will say that I can see my kitchen looking normal again in oh, about 2 months! Whew! Then what will the next project be?

LOB and DVB decided to cool off by jumping on the trampoline with a sprinkler!

DJB's been building Lego creations and who knows what else. I'll probably find some more alien pee tomorrow!
I worked a couple hours yesterday and today. So other than those exciting things, we're just trying to stay cool inside being lazy!

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