Monday, August 3, 2009

Tonight's Request Was...

after he lugged a few hundred pounds of concrete up the stairs...

GOB: "Honey, can you bring me up a Budweiser and a coolie cup?"

ME: "OK..."

ME, when reaching the top of the stairs and seeing the countertops in place, "OH WOW! That's looks awesome!"

Here are a few pictures of Budweiser his handiwork!

He looks slightly homeless in this picture.

Budweiser View #2! Obviously a little finish work will mint this out!

Budweiser View #3! He embedded a slice of a geode stone we got at a rock shop. I really don't care for it but he's in love with it!

What? No Budweiser in this pic! I'm surprised DVB isn't nabbing a swig! Don't mind all the toys under the desk. We definitely keep a spotless house around here! Sheesh!

So now onto the rest of the project! The kitchen! I can't wait!

While GOB was demolishing the kitchen on one end, my helpers and I made 14 pints of salsa out of 25 pounds of roma tomatoes on the other end! ($10 for 25 lbs-DEAL)

DVB thought it was a "nana" and DJB kept calling them potatoes!
So I know you were wondering if you could hire GOB to redo your countertops but the answer is NO! He's mine! All mine! Bwahahahaha!
T minus 6 days till school starts-but who's counting?


Anonymous said...

okay - once again I am amazed by the hubby's skills. I don't know if we'd even be brave enough to put in store bought counter tops, much less make our own! Set in a Geode! Holy crap-o-la!
Great work - quite impressive!

donatelli98 said...
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ZonaCatsFamily said...

Tell GOB he is making our husband's handyman skills look bad! It looks awesome, can't wait to come over and see the finished product in the kitchen!