Monday, August 10, 2009

It Was a Success!

The first day of school was a success! They both want to go back again tomorrow! Yay!
I was worried about DJB being a little too much on the shy side but his teacher said he did great! The only sad time he had was when he dropped his spoon and then wouldn't eat his applesauce at lunch time! I asked him if he knew anyone in his class, knowing he didn't, and he said, "Ya, I know everyone!" Duh! He's excited to do science tomorrow too!
LOB likes his teacher too. She seems very strict. I noticed in her instructions to parents that if the parents fail to initial the behavior chart each night, the student will suffer consequences the next day! Geez-O! She's serious! I asked if she was as nice as last year's teacher and he said yes. I'm not worried about him at all! Oh and the funny thing was, he said he asked his teacher permission to go check on DJB today and she let him. Awww! What a great big brother! I'm so proud of him!
And now for DVB's day...Thankfully GOB dropped him off at his first day of daycare because I had a feeling he might not be ok with it! GOB said he cried and was holding onto his leg as he was walking out the door. I'm SO glad it wasn't me! But Christine, his daycare provider, said he did great too and she said he's very smart for a 20 month old. She said he crawled up on the couch and was looking out the front window. She has never had any kids that have done that! He also didn't want give up his little snuggie blanket all day-usually he only sleeps with it. I'm so glad I thought to throw one of those in his bag!

Check out the hair! They even did it!
I gave GOB specific instructions to take a picture before he dropped everyone off. So when I called to remind him, he asked, "What do you want me to take a picture of? You can't see their backpacks in the picture anyway." Hence, the funky leg contortions in the picture! Oh well, it got done, that's all I wanted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm so glad it was such a great first day!