Thursday, August 6, 2009


So I wonder if there is a medical study out there that correlates being a southpaw with one's stubborn, wild, out-of-control personality. You know, because many people have likened DVB to his Uncle B. He's left handed and he was a monterous child! Just wondering... (you know I love ya, bro)

So as he's painting, LOB is assisting and was speaking to him in babytalk.

I said, "LOB, he does speak English."

DJB, "He does? He speaks English? That's funny, English!"

I said, "Hey DJB, you speak English, too."

DJB totally amazed, "I do?"

These boys crack me up sometimes!

I guess speaking English must be as cool speaking Spanish. DJB always likes to listen to people speaking Spanish. The problem is, is that I don't remember too much of it so when he asks me what they are saying, I just make something up! But I do remember some and I believe the landscapers were talking about a tree the other day, I think...That makes sense, right?

1 comment:

SNB said...

I am a southpaw and my husband will definately attest to my "strong" personality... not stubborn... LOL