Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Laptop Down!

I swear my children thrive on making my life difficult! They scrounge the house to find things to destroy so I have to spend money to replace them! Last week it was the freezer catastrophe. How many hundreds of dollars were thrown away in that mess? Now today it's my laptop power connection. This will be the second time they have bent the prongs in the connector! Yesterday it was the bbq island mini fridge that I found open! That's the second one of those that we've had to replace also! I know, I should be thankful for these piddly little $100 replacements. Someday it will be cars with $1000's of damage!

So heaven for bid I have to actually use a PC instead of leasurly sitting on my couch to blog! Wish me luck in finding a new power adapter. If I recall correctly, the last time it was a little difficult!


SNB said...
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SNB said...

Those Beltz Boys.... There is going to be comic books written about their escapades!!!
Its not to late to look into military school!! J/k! XOXO, S

ZonaCatsFamily said...

You should start looking for a book deal now ... you could make some serious cash off of those boys, help them earn their keep!