Friday, January 2, 2009

It's Official! He's a Walker!

DVB has been walking behind his little push walker for a month and a half now.

He has been taking a few steps here and there for a few weeks.

This week he decided to get serious about getting around the house a little faster than on hands and knees.

On Monday, he could walk about 3-4 steps.

On Tuesday, he could walk 7-8 steps.

On Wednesday, he could walk 12-15 steps. (He was the entertainment for our New Year's Eve get-together with some friends-and was declared by Grammy, an "official walker!"

On Thursday, he could walk 15-20 steps.

And on Friday, his steps are too many to count!

He finally walks! So does that officially make him a Toddler now?

He's so proud of himself, too. When he reaches his final destination, he'll turn to us and just grin from ear to ear.

I'll have to video a little piece of his new-found freedom...

1 comment:

donatelli98 said...

You need to update .... I need some reading material! How was the parade?