Friday, January 9, 2009

Marley and Toni!

Have you seen the movie or read the book Marley and Me?

I am pretty sure we have a direct descendant of Marley!

Maybe she really wanted to race my Kasey Kahne car on the NASCAR Ultimate Speedway Track that is on top of the air hockey table. Nah! I bet she's looking for FOOD! Any. little. scrap. of. food! Who knows why she'd be looking up there? What kids would leave food on top of an air hockey table?

But wait, there's more! Not even 5 mintues after she checked out the race track, she decided to find a new roosting spot!

But first she had to bark at a car driving by....

Can't you tell she's thinking: "This is a great spot to keep watch on my peeps and guard the front door from evil people! Now if I only had some cushion!"

Stay tuned for more tales from Toni and Me!

1 comment:

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I love your dog! Lotsa spunk!