Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monster/Ghost Spray Works No More!

My spray concoction is no longer working. It only worked 2 nights! Hmmpf!


The kids swears, almost to the point of shaking, that he saw a ghost. Um.... OK, I believe you. It is a possibility.

So DJB and I have a chat and I convince him after 2 hours, that "I would like to talk to the ghost so the next time you see him let him know I need to talk to him." And either that was an acceptable deal or he was worn out from all the terror and he fell asleep.

I spent some time Google searching for 'night time fears' and such. Basically I found that's it's just a phase a normal preschooler goes through as they can now discern that things can hurt them and have an actual feeling of fear. The paranormal website I was reading suggested getting rid of the ghosts by: the spray, a powder, pictures of light bulbs(?), night lights, and also flat out telling the ghost, in a nice but firm way, to GO AWAY! And poof! All problems will be solved! Oh really, it's just that easy? Bet it won't work with my stubborn child! Oh and the site recommended holy water and a priest if the other things didn't work!

Yesterday afternoon I happened to catch his teacher in the school parking lot and I ran the problem by her. She said she's never had that particular problem but suggested that I let him fall asleep with a tv on in his room. She admitted that her idea is absolutely horrible especially coming from a 'teacher' but it works for her.

While talking to Grammy and Grandpa about the situation, they reminded me when I was about 5 years old I would not sleep in my bed. But one day a mouse ran across me while I was sleeping on the floor and I decided the bed was not so bad after all. You know what? I kind of remember that. Or maybe I remember them telling me the story over the years.

Anyway, I kind of don't want to try the teacher's advice because I'm not sure he'll fall asleep when he should with the distraction of the tv and get a good night's sleep. But since she suggested that, she'd also be paying the price of trying to teach a tired child if he stays awake all night watching tv. I kind of don't want him to camp out on my bedside for a selfish reason-it's kinda hard to remember someone's sleeping down there when nature calls in the middle of the night!

What to do, what to do? But it's just a phase right? And this too shall pass! Hopefully soon! Wish us luck!

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