Monday, January 12, 2009

3 Boys Brewery Band!

The fam has joined a band! And what a better name than 3 Boys Brewery Band! Well, it's really Guitar Hero: World Tour complete with drums, mic, guitar, and bass! Oh ya, we rock! Really, it's pretty fun even if we really are terrible musicians! Even The Brewer is trying to find his inner rocker music makin' self!

That's DJB on drums, LOB on guitar, and GOB on bass. The singer is taking the pic.

We need to send out a special shout out to the cuz' who got us started! You see LOB got the guitar kit for Christmas but after a couple of us tried it out and decided it was way too hard, we stuck it on top of the tv and there it sat for 2 weeks.

That is, until Cousin J came over on Saturday and showed us how to do it! And then his dad showed us how totally awesome he can rock it out! Obviously, they too are a rockin fam and play GH on Xbox! These guys and their momma are professionals! Oh, and they told us about the lag on the HDTV and that apparently was one of the problems we were having initially! *ahem* READING THE DIRECTIONS WOULD BE GOOD WHEN YOU ARE CLUELESS!
We got so into it that we kicked the kids upstairs to play quietly while the adults could have a few cocktails and jam until midnight! Whew! It's a little on the difficult side to be musical after a couple drinks but it sure was fun!
On Sunday, the boys and I went to Toys r us to buy the rest of the band and now we can all have a part in the band! I'm trying to figure out why the boys always ask me to sing?

Here is our loudest, rowdiest, obnoxious fan! Oh, he's the dancer! Ya, that's it! The dancer! Like his blue rocker socks?

Here's all the neighbor girls relaxing with the boys after their after school jam session!
If you have a Wii and have been clueless like us, go get it! It's fun! It's family time! It's entertaining! It's educational! It's ADDICTIVE! You won't be sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to get an all cousin's picture with the littlest one dancing with maracas, and JDB on the Tupperware Drum set. That would make a great photo album page!