Thursday, September 17, 2009

DVB Update!

It's been a while since I've updated DVB's milestones, you know since I can't find time to keep up his babybook. Remember my blog is taking the place of the babybooks?

DVB you're finally starting to communicate with words! Thank goodness because the grunting, and screaming is really getting old!

Han - Translation: hand. You love to wash your hans.

All Done or all gone - that little tidbit of communication is so helpful!

eeee - translation: eat! That one helps us out too!

go - whenever you want to go, you try to pull and tug the person you want to go with you!

on - you love to turn the lights on and off or the toys that do on and off. You say "on" but haven't figured out off yet.

Whoo hoo - I bet you get that phrase from me! You even use it in the correct context!

Shushes - Translation: Shoes! You love to put your shushes on because you know going outside is next!

Mommy - yay! you finally say Mommy! When you wake up in the morning you start calling for Papa and after 5 times you call for Mommy! So cute! And when you really want either of us it's more like "PAAAAAAPA, MOOOOOOOOOOOMY!" and you are loud!

Mine - This wonderful word was learned at daycare! Now everything is mine, mine, mine!

Ha - Translation: hot. It's funny you know the difference between hot and cold!

teet teet - Translation: tweet tweet! You call all birds teet teets! You're not much of a animal sound maker other than teet teet, mouw (meow), moo and rooooooar!

waa waa - Translation: Water. You are a huge water drinker. You carry your sippy cup wherever you go.

Ooookaaay - Translation: okay! You answer "okay" with any question. It's hilarious! We are so happy you are so obliging!

see - It usually goes like this: "see papa see papa see papa" You look out the windows and say "see Papa". You do a great job keeping track of him!

e i e i e i - When we practice LOB's spelling words, you have to join in and say "e i e i e i!"

In other milestones:

You can't go anywhere with out your blankey. It really started when you started to go to Miss C's for daycare. But it's ok, it's your little security blanket!

You can't say "yes" but you nod your head yes and when you do it, you about knock yourself over with that big ol' noggin of yours!

You got your second professional haircut. Papa just wants me to scalp you like your brothers but I'm not ready to part with that soft, blond, baby hair of yours! You did absolutely fabulous with sitting like a perfect angle for your haircut. Unlike our first experience!

You pooped in the potty for the first time FOR REAL yesterday! You came up to me and said, "Poo poo" so we rushed off to the bathroom and after you got on and off your little potty 10 times you finally decided to unload! We might finally be getting serious about this potty training stuff!

I can't believe you are growing up so fast! In 2 months you'll be 2 years old! Could you slow down a bit? You are at such a fun stage right now - well, with the exception of the little temper tantrums you have every once in a while!

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