Thursday, April 23, 2009

Harmonicas, Horticulture, Hiding, and a Happy Birthday!

So since I've been slightly negligent in my posting for the week, I thought I'd wrap up the week in one post!

We celebrated Papa's 35th birthday last night.

DJB has taken up horticulture these days. That boy is always wanting to try a new hobby. Uncle Brent and Aunt Jos got him a banana plant growing kit for his birthday. He's pretty sure it's going to start growing bananas any day now. I'm afraid to tell him that's it's actually a banana herb plant of some kind and doesn't produce fruit!
This morning he found two weeds with flowers on them in the backyard and decided to transplant them into the bowl he first ate strawberries out of. He's sure they are going to grow very large also and smell beautiful!

DJB and DVB have found a new hiding place. Note to self, if you can't find the boys look in the bureau by the front door!

DVB wanted to help me find all the good grocery deals for the week. Now if I could only trust him with a pair of scissors to clip all my coupons that have been piling up!

And finally, DVB has given up the recorder in exchange for the harmonica! He can really play it too! I'll try to catch some video footage of it!

Uh oh, I haven't included any of LOB's adventure's for the week. I'll try harder next week.


donatelli98 said...

Sorry I didn't send a card ... we will have to celebrate next time we see you! Have a good anniversary on Saturday!

SNB said...

DVB's hair is getting so blond, long and CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Wow-Every time I need a laugh I need to get on your blog-My life is quite dull compared to yours-enjoying my peaceful night of no husband because he is playing tonight and Reid is in bed. Just finished my fist paper and now I am going to give myself a manicure-pretty exciting-maybe I need another child to give me something to do...nah, I am enjoying my quiet time. Kelly