Thursday, October 22, 2009

No More Snaggletooth!

We can't call LOB Snaggletooth anymore! Now we're calling him a vampire! How perfect for Halloween!

He went to bed last night and about 30 minutes later, came down and said, "This tooth has to go!" He wiggled it until it was hanging by a thread. I swear GOB should have been a dentist! He LOVES pulling the boy's teeth. Well maybe not LOVES it, but doesn't mind doing it unlike me who can't even stand to look at a loose tooth! And this one was a bloody one! I can handle other people's blood but not my CHILD's blood! NASTY!

So here's the funny part: LOB finally went to bed after looking at himself in the mirror for a half an hour and spitting blood all over the sink! Then I mentioned to GOB that I didn't have $5 (LOB specifically said he really wanted that $5!). All I had in my wallet was a 10 and a 1. So GOB scoured through his wallet and then checked out his stash in his truck. I scoured threw a few places and couldn't even find 5 - $1 bills! Then I came across LOB's leftover money from vacation and VIOLA there was $5! We both laughed that we had to borrow money from him to pay him! Now I need to replace that $5 before he notices!

I'll be gone for a couple days from's Oktoberfest time in our house! Lots of work to do! See ya in a couple days....and I even have blogging material...LOB's basketball season, the almost finished counter-tops.....I'll catch up one of these days!

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