Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dear DVB,

Dear Little Devil DVB,

Today you totally embarrassed me in public! Today the old lady's who usually just want to pinch your cute little cheeks just shot your mother the most nasty dirty looks ever! Today I was just trying to ignore you but then the little old lady's would give me even dirtier looks! Today I just wanted to snap some dirty looks back at them and throw my hands in the air! Today in the hopes of making you semi-happy while shopping at the mall, I handed you a half a pack of gum! *GASP* And you ate every.single.piece! (I know I'll pay for it later) Today I even paid $1.25 for a bottle of"Coke" for YOU (thanks Grammy!) to see if that would shut you up! Today I could not find one thing to make you happy! Today you are taking a nice long nap to give your mom a much needed recuperation period. Today when you wake up from your 3 hour nap, I really hope you are happier! Today I still love you but please kick this attitude! I really hope tomorrow is not like today!


1 comment:

grandpa said...

You have been blessed with a strong willed child. Enjoy him and try to outsmart him. You will most often fail on the outsmart part but not to worry he will probably grow up to be a boat captain. Don't worry about what others might think 2 year olds earned the TERRIBLE TWO's reputation long ago and every kid ever born had something to do with it, including the Old Ladies in the mall. Just say " He's two" enough said.