Monday, March 16, 2009

He's A Terrible Two Year Old Already?

I have been so busy today that I almost forgot to write my "Weekend Fun" post. We did have a fun weekend but I didn't take any pictures of it. Saturday we had a nice afternoon over at some friend's house and GOB played Mr. Repairman for them. That's his side job and he usually gets paid in that is.

On Sunday, Grammy and Grandpa came and got LOB and DJB and they were planning on an afternoon of swimming and birthday present shopping for DJB. Today they went up the back roads 4 wheel driving over Four Peaks mountain range. It's not a ride for the weak stomached like me but they probably think it's cool! I haven't heard from them so I'm assuming they are busy having fun. I hear tomorrow they are planning on going to a Spring Training Baseball game with Great Uncle Barry and Cousin Brian who are visiting from Iowa. As you can imagine, I'm enjoying their Spring Break also!

So here are a few pictures of the 15 month old who is acting like a 2 year old lately! I sure don't remember the 2 older boys being so adventurous at such a young age. Or maybe I don't remember it because of my age! Anyway, he's a climbing monster and thankfully he hasn't been a crashing climbing monster, YET!

The poor babe is battling a head cold right now with really crusty nose and eyes! Yuck! I know it's more than you wanted to know! Hopefully he'll be feeling back to normal for the big birthday party on Saturday.

1 comment:

SNB said...

we camped out behind Saguaro Lake with the motorcycles/ 4wheelers! I bet we crossed paths 4by-ing throught the hills!