Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Keywords" Lead Them To Me!

So I thought I'd share some phrases or keywords that people type in Google and find my blog. Google Analytics nicely keeps track of important stuff like this for me!

1. ghost spray (3 times)
I think I should whip up a big batch of that stuff and sell it! It seems to be popular!

2. dog butt wipes (2 times)
I think that maybe I should invent some dog butt wipes too! DVB just shares his butt wipes with the dog. They work too and leave a nice refreshing sent of cucumber behind-on the behind! Ha!

3. brewery horses youtube by mouse nose
Um, ok, I have no idea how or why you landed on my lil' ol' blog by searching that phrase! No horses or mouse noses here! And I've never used youtube. But we do have a brewery!

4. derma wand
Again...huh? I don't know what a "derma wand" is but I want one! It sounds magical. Does it make wrinkles go away?

5. dog butts
Yes, dog's do have butts.

6. dogs putting butt on you
Well, silly, don't let them put their butt on you!

7. i'm working on a first grade project how would I build a leprechaun trap
Oh, ok, this one makes sense. Go ahead, I give you permission to copy LOB's idea since you stopped by!

8. monster go away spray
See, I think I could make millions off this stuff! Don't tell anyone it only worked about a week at our house before it turned into a water squirt toy!

9. wash dog butt
It's a good thing to do while giving them a bath...

10. washing dog butt
Or you could let your dog take care of washing his/her own butt *lick lick* NASTY!

11. wiping dog's butt
Who would have ever guessed that so many people Google about a flippin dog's butt!

12. 3 boys breweries
In fact, unknown to me when I started 3 Boys and a Brewery blog, there actually is a Three Boys Brewery. It's located in New Zealand. I think maybe I should get in touch with them and see if we can get a few samples or maybe they would like to fly our 3 boys and a brewer and momma out for a tour! We LOVE brewery tours! Hopefully after we become BFF's they won't make me change my name or maybe better yet-maybe they'd buy my blog name from me. Ooooh, that sounds good! I've had quite a few hits looking for them.

So there you have it. These are phrases that people have actually, no lie, typed in Google and found ME! Dog butts, breweries, and ghost spray-now that's good stuff!

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