Monday, March 30, 2009

He Said, "No More Pets" But...

DJB has wanted crabs for a long time! We actually went to the pet store with intentions of getting a frog. But as it turns out, frogs eat live food and this momma is not going to buy LIVE food for a frog! Also, the fire belly species they sell at Petsmart is toxic after you hold it for 5 minutes! That would be a double NO NO thank you on the frog. DJB was ok with it though, he was worried Grammy might eat his frog's legs!

So here are "Sandy and Sponge Bob!" They eat dead food! They are Fiddler crabs and only eat 4 itsy bitsy specks of lobster bites per day! Oh, and an occasional dead blood worm!

This is their habitat. It's part water and part plastic beach with a few giant ceramic hiding place fish decorations and fake greenery.

This is Sandy. I couldn't find Sponge Bob at the time of posting. I sure hope he's still in there somewhere!

DJB took his crabs to school last Friday. (I know, that sounds soooo bad!) He said now everyone wants crabs! (Um, yeah, that too!) He also mentioned that Isaiah wanted to eat them.

In other pet related news: The 3 remaining mantids were released into the wild yesterday. This momma was tired of buying $4.99 bottles of flightless fruit flies!

Any guesses on the next creature that will show up at our house? We gotta try them all! But don't tell GOB....

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