Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm Ticked!

You know, this bad economy crap is really starting to tick me off!

Here's the latest issue that is affecting our family: Kindergarten is going back to half day again in the state of Arizona because of budget cuts! Come on! Can you believe it's so bad that Kindergarten is getting the shaft?

I believe K is a huge foundation for the child's school career. What is expected for these kids to know even before entering K is incredibly amazing! Tying shoes, letter and number recognition are among the prerequisites. I just can't believe what is expected of these little four and five year olds and at the same time, what is being taken away from them. I bet they will probably start reading in preschool by the time DVB gets there. I better start working on his ABC's now before he turns 2 so he's on the right path for a successful preschool career!

How can a child possibly learn what he needs to know for 1st Grade with only 2 hours and 50 minutes worth of K a day? How much of that time is play time, or music, or PE or wrangling kids? It is totally amazing what LOB learned by the end of his full day K year last year. He's doing great in 1st grade. He's reading at a second grade+ level. Now DJB on the other hand, he's a smart kid, but I just know he won't be in the same place as LOB was at the end of K with less than 3 hours of school a day!

Oh sure, your child can go full day but that will cost $260 a month! Are you kidding me? I have to PAY to send my child to a public school? What are they going to do? Babysit him for the other half of the day? I don't need a babysitter! If I wanted to PAY for my child to go to school, I would have him in a private school! Yes, I know, it would cost way more than $260 a month, but still!

And the poor poor 1st grade teachers... How can they be expected to teach a mixture of kindergarten students with which some having had attended half day K and the others who were fortunate enough to have full day K? Can you imagine? What if my kid is one needing more attention or what if your kid is totally bored because the half dayers (it's not a word, I know) are so far behind? Would you want your child to be in that situation?

So I signed DJB up for PM K today. I hope I'm making the right decision. I am refusing to pay and if I'm making a bad choice and DJB doesn't learn what he needs to be successful in 1st grade, then the school is going to have to use their resources to get him up to speed and therefore use their time and money to fix it! Boy, that sure makes sense doesn't it?!

The Kindergarten Round-Up that's scheduled for next month should be interesting. I bet there are a lot of parent's ticked off like me. They better be ready for the she-ott to hit the fan!

Ok, I feel better now. The whole world wide web knows I'm ticked off at the State of Arizona! Think I'll go do some laundry now!

1 comment:

SNB said...

I remember having this conversation with you pre-K for LB. I will tell you this, don't plan on public school to have the educational resources to bring #2 up to speed! It really is not there. We have spent $3000+ on private tutoring for JTB because of lack of phonics foundation in K and 1st grade. Utilize your frustration to find good reading resources NOW.