Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Mother's Day: Here's Your Paycheck!

I find it so interesting that every year about this time an article or news clip talks about how much a mother should be compensated for in a dollar amount for all of the professions she juggles to make her family run. The article I got these numbers from said that a mom should earn $375,000 per year for all her hard work.

Here's how they broke it down:

Childcare - $13,000 ( X 3 please!)
Recreation Worker - $15,000 (That would be about right!)
Chef - $40,000 (I'd feel guilty to take that much so go ahead and cut that one in half!)
Food Service Worker - $20,000 (dishwasher, server....I'll take it!)
Meal Planning, Dietitian - $41,600 (ya, no good at this one either, take all but a 1/3 of that one away)
Housekeeper - $9,000 ( I'm pretty sure I deserve WAY more than this!)
Nurse - $35,000 (What? Nurses make way more than 35K!)
Management Analyst - $41,000 (delete!)
Family Financier - $44,000 (does it mean because I pay the bills, I earn this?)
Investment Manager - $39,000 (investments? In what, love? who has extra money to invest-besides retirement?)
Psychologist - $29,000 (I do believe I have some experience in child psychology)
General Office Clerk - $19,000 (that'll do)
Social Worker - $30,000 (that's a little on the high side)

So after the negotiation, I'll be willing to take less than the recommended yearly salary of a mother. How does $244,000 sound? Oh, and I would like a week of sick time and 4 weeks of paid vacation too! Deal? Deal!

How much are you worth?

Happy Mother's Day to my mom, mother-in-law, Grandma, Aunts, Cousins, and girlfriends! I hope you are all spoiled rotten on Our Day!


Anonymous said...

Awesome breakdown! How do we get this all done? I don't even believe it some days! Happy Mother's Day BMB!!!

donatelli98 said...

Nice - we so deserve it. Can't wait to see y'all on Friday!

Grammy said...

Beth, you should add to your blog about what you really gor paid on Mothers Day--the $1.50.