Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

We had a super fun Halloween! We TONS of trick-or-treaters! I don't know how many pounds of candy we gave out, but it was a lot! GOB took the boys around the neighborhood while I handed out candy. I love seeing all the costumes! What I can't believe is all the rude, disrespectful kids! What ever happened to manners? Or how about actually saying "trick or treat"! Anyway the little kids were cute. And I found out that apparently LOB is very popular at school. It's funny how many kids said, "Are you LOB's mom?" It was pretty cute!

After we shut down the candy factory, we hung out with a bunch of neighbors till 1 am. It was a blast! They introduced us into a dice game called Left Right Center. GOB and I didn't win any rounds but had a great time playing! We are however, a little on the lazy side today! That's how much fun we had!

The boys were dressed as Star Wars characters. LOB's mask still creeps me out! DVB hates it too! He SCREAMS NOOOOOO when LOB has it on or even shows it to him!

Doesn't he make a cute little Yoda?
Next on our activity schedule is NASCAR. We're looking forward to seeing Uncle B and Aunt J and our WI cousins! More fun is coming right up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute! Shaun needed to join you guys! He was Darth Vadar.