Thursday, November 5, 2009

Babybook Entry Post

DVB you are growing so fast, it's time for another update! In the last two weeks your vocabulary has at least tripled it seems! You are even putting together 3 or 4 words. Most of your free time you spend following your brothers! I must say you keep up pretty well! You are a tough little bugger, sometimes even tougher than your older brothers!

Here's some of the things you are jabbering about:

peetza - You LOVE pizza! Thank goodness since we eat it at least once a week!

milky - The first thing you ask for in the morning is a cup of milk! We go through a gallon a day between all you boys, including Papa!

ju - aka Juice - Occasionally you'll accept a cup of 1/2 juice, 1/2 water.

turkeeee - We put the pookins (pumpkins) away and now the turkeys are out. You call the turkeys "pooky" like you did the Halloween decorations! I'm trying to teach you to say gobble gobble-we might get it down by turkey day!

ticken - You call the turkeys tickens! Aka chickens!

Toni - You finally got that T in Toni!

arrrgh! - Whenever I get mad at Toni, I make an arrrrgh sound in frustration! Now whenever you see Toni doing something naughty you make the sound too! It's hilarious! I guess it's better than saying a naughty word!

bank - aka blanket. You've cut back on your blankie fetish! But you still like to have about 3 of them in bed with you!

boots - You LOVE to wear your hand-me-down cowboy boots. You like to stomp your feet in them!

wanna - Wanna go ouside! Wanna milky!

cuz - The other day I asked you to do something and you replied No! So I said, why? And you said cuz!

shippy - You know the cupboard where the sippy cups are!

cup - Lately you've been asking for a cup instead of a shippy! :(

boke - aka broke! When Toni chewed up one of your wooden cars you said, Toni boke!

moob - If anyone or anything is in your way you say, moob! And whoever better respond quickly or you'll moob them!

moobie - The other day in my mini van you said, moobie on! How spoiled is a almost 2 year when he can watch a movie in the car?

oh, man! - This is another phrase you picked up from me! The other day you walked into LOB's messy room and you said, oh man! And OH MAN, you were right! Last Sunday when we were watching the Talledega NASCAR race, you said, oh man! big cash! when you saw Ryan Newman wreck!

Gog - aka LOB! For awhile you called him Go Go but now it's Gog!

Day - aka DJB! DJB doesn't like you calling him Day! He tries to tell you to call him D!

Guys - It's so funny when you call your brothers, guys!

Bampa - You know, Grammy probably was hoping you'd say her name first! Whenever Grammy asks you who's boy you are you say, Bampa! And sometimes all she has to do is look at you and you say Bampa like a little smarty farty!

mash cash - One of your favorite books is called SMASH CRASH! I think I've read it so many times I've got it memorized. Not to mention its been looked at and read so often that's it's missing a few pages!

iddy biddy spidey - Another one of your favorite books is a version of The Itsy Bitsy Spider! I always sing the words and all of a sudden you can sing it! Too cute!

monkey - You have a stuffed animal mouse but you call him a monkey!

I was trying to get a picture of you in your wild thing jammies that Grammy and Grandpa bought you!

Here's proof that you are always looking for trouble!

I can't believe you are almost 2 years old! Most of the time we laugh at your silly little antics! You are very entertaining! But there are times your strong willed attitude can be frustrating. Thankfully, you are usually in the entertaining mood!
Are we going to start seriously working on that potty training next?

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