Thursday, July 1, 2010

Birthday, Tooth, and Plates!

We finished the first half of 2010 with lots of fun!

DJB lost one of his top teeth on LOB's 8th birthday! He said he just knew he was going to loose it on LOB's birthday! GOB pulled that sucker out while eating supper! It was just a hangin' there and it was grossing me out! The Toothfairy ALMOST failed once again but remembered to leave the $$$ at the very last second! Good lawd, that's a horrible job! (for me anyway!)

We really weren't planning on having a big party for LOB's 8th birthday. But at the last minute, we threw one together with the Hoodies. It's so hard to fathom that he is 8! In 8 more years, he's gonna want a car for his birthday! Scary!

Tiger, the cat, is enjoying the benefits of birthday presents!

On LOB's birthday I asked him where he would like to go for lunch. His response, "Hooters!" I just about peed my pants laughing! Sadly, we did not go to Hooters but we did try out Culvers for the first time. It was good and the boys really enjoyed the custard.

And ending June with a big bang was finally succeeding on getting the boys quads legal! It took 6 months of time, numerous phone calls, 1 close call with the PoPo, a few naughty words, a tad bit of frustration, oodles of paperwork, several dollars, and SEVEN trips to the MVD (idiots) to get those puppies legal! It's a LONG story but we are now law-abiding and will be spending a week riding them in Colorado later this month without a care of being stopped by the PoPo! Yay!
I'm thinking the rest of the month I will be taking a blogging break. We have a very fun month on tap and without the use of my laptop, blogging would be very difficult. But be expecting a doozie of post when I return! Happy 4th of July and we'll be back in touch just in time for school to start! Yahooooooo!

1 comment:

donatelli98 said...

Glad L had a great birthday - have a fun trip! Can't wait to hear all of the stories when you get back! BTW - Bia is obsessed with the blanket you gave her lately!