Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Camp and Quad: It's All We Do These Days!

Sorry, my blog readers! My poor little blog has once again been put on the back burner! Ever since we got our toy hauler and the quads, we spend as much time as we possibly can using them! Therefore, my blog material is the same from every weekend-we don't do anything else these days! But that won't stop me from posting some more pictures from this past weekend that will probably look similar to the last ones! Sorry, but that's all I got!
The boys built a couple model rockets and had a BLAST setting them off! On Sunday, LOB attached a big ugly black beetle to the rocket and sent him to outerspace! We were all amazed that he survived the trip and LOB continued to play with him! Ewww!
Everyone was having a grand ol' time until the Sheriff showed up! Doh! So I have to explain this picture. Brett, a neighbor's son, was getting a ticket for not having plates and registration on his dirt bike. But notice all the kids meticulously lined up under the camper? GOB's quick thinking is what that is all about! He's hiding the 2008 expired plates on the camper! Somehow, I'm still not quite sure how, the rest of us got out of getting tickets. We could have gotten about $1500 in fines because we didn't have the correct permits and other paperwork. GOB made me talk to the PoPo because he wanted the ticket in MY name (in case I had to go to court)! Anyway, I told the Sheriff that we were legitimately working on getting the proper stuff but it's all a process that is not fast! Thank goodness that he believed me! So needless to say, the quads were parked for the rest of the weekend. We sure weren't going to take any more chances because I'm pretty sure the Sheriff wouldn't have given us a second chance!
One of our neighbor's nephew came out with his legal sand rail. I had never ridden in one and let me tell you, it was fun! I should say it was fun until I got splattered with cow poop! Ewwww!

Somehow the Easter bunny knew we were out camping and he delivered a few hundred eggs to the desert!

We hope everyone had a weekend as great as ours was!

Our semi-annual Redneck NASCAR Weekend is coming up next!

1 comment:

SNB said...

GREAT POST!!! Love the poo-pics! {LOL}