Thursday, April 30, 2009

They are Always Up to Something!

So I come downstairs after giving DVB a bath and I see this:

I was only gone for 5 minutes and LOB and DJB had made a new invention! Any guesses? Yep, it's a snow making machine. In the pitcher there is water and ice and on top is a fan and it's all meticulously held in place with Teflon tape. They were sure that by morning they'd have a pitcher full of snow to play with! So after I dismantled the invention, we had a little lesson on electrocution!

In other news:

Here is LOB polishing his beer cap collection. GOB is so proud of his son's hobby.

Here he is organizing the newly polished beer caps in a mini tackle box! Um, Redneck? Yep!

And as I was trying to do some online education quizzes for work this morning, I hear a little whimper from the other room. This is where I find DVB! How in the heck?!? Who knows how he managed to get himself up there but he sure wasn't smart enough to get himself down! I'm telling ya, I foresee a trip to the ER very soon!

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